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SLAM Skateboarding Magazine Issue 229 – Autumn 2021


SLAM Skateboarding Magazine Issue 229 – Autumn 2021.  Skater of the Year, Ben Lawrie!

Inside this edition…

  • BEN LAWRIE: We chat to the new Skater of the Year about his SOTY surprise and how he managed to crush it so hard throughout Melbourne’s harsh lockdowns.
  • JAKE HAYES: On his new shoe, his love of BMWs, the terrifying scenes of the BLM protests right outside his door, a controversial board graphic, and much more.
  • MITCH ROBERTOM: The self-proclaimed cowboy slings an onslaught of gnarly tricks.
  • VICTORIA’S SECRET DIY: The rise and demise of a Melbourne car park turned DIY dream spot.
  • UNA FARRAR: After spending Christmas day in hotel quarantine, Una is making the most of her freedom and documenting her time skating with her partner Poppy Olsen.
  • KIERAN WOOLLEY: Dominating every curve of concrete and smashing it in the streets.

Cover: Trent Riley takes the bull by the proverbial horns on the cover of our Autumn Edition. This Natas spin is one for the history books! Photo by Curtis Hay.

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